Monday, October 5, 2009

Music and the Brain

Music benefits your brain and makes you smarter.

Einstein was one of the greatest geniuses in the world. However, when he was young he did extremely poorly in school. His teachers suggested that his parents take him out of school because he was too stupid to learn and get him an easy manual labor job as soon as they could.

His mother did not think that her son was stupid. Instead, she bought him a violin which he loved and soon excelled in playing. Music was the key that helped young Einstein become one of the smartest men who has ever lived.

Einstein himself said that the reason he was so smart was because he played the violin. The music of Mozart and Bach was his favorite. One of his friends, G.J. Withrow, said that Einstein figured out his problems and equations by improvising on the violin.

Trained classical male musicians have larger cerebellum than men who don't play a musical instrument, as reported by Dr. Gotffried Schlaug of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

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